Ive got my hands on a 2.4 V6 ARC with a tranny for really cheap.
One thing that troubles me is the VAF (Volume Air Flow sensor).
I cant see one on my engine and the question is why. Were all the V6 fitted with a flow meter, or maybe FM were fitted only to newer models?
Ive seen videos of ppl running V6 (2.4 or 2.9, these are pretty much the same) without these sensors.
Should i need this sensor? Or would the motor run without it?
From what i see the readings on the sensor are:
flap closed: 0,25-0,6V
flap opened: 4,6-5V
From what i have found the TP (Throttle Position sensor) reads:
flap closed: 0,5-0,7V
flap opened: 4,3-5V
These are very close readings, would it be possible to wire the ECU to the TP sensor instead of VAF (which are missing?)
This is clearly a theoretical approach as i wont be fitting this engine anytime soon(bodywork).