Hello all, thanks for reading, im currently building a 2.1 pinto turbo and have a few questions that i hope someone could help with, maybe mikael as im very very inpressed with what you have done with your pintos!!!
ok heres the questions..
1) Is this what the pressure switches are and what pressure should i have them set at to switch the extra injectors?
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=230163688439&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=0132) I have a set of accralite 93mm forged pistons would you know how much i should have skimmed off them to lower the compression, and what compression ratio i should be going for?
3)On the picture you have put on here what car do the choke injectors come off are there certain ones that i should get?
4) Will a 2.8i fuel pump supply enough fuel for a pinto turbo running 8 injectors?
Well thats about all the questions i have at the moment well the only other one is what sort of power do these engine produce with an efi/turbo combination,
thanks for any help, and this is a wicked site and you lot really know how to tune cars!!!